A Dangerous Method - Review by Stu

Biographical films, for me tend to fall into two categories; they either follow the entire life story of the protagonist, for example Ray, Walk the Line, La Vie En Rose and Milk or they can take a closer look at a specific time period/incident such as such as The Queen (tragedy of Princess Diane’s death) and Bobby (Assassination of Robert Kennedy). A Dangerous Method leans towards the latter as it focuses upon two relationships, firstly the relationship between Carl Jung and Sabina Spielrein (Keira Knightly) and secondly the relationship between Carl Jung (Michael Fassbender) and Sigmund Freud (Viggo Mortensen). We first meet Sabina Spielrein, a Russian mental patient as she is being forcefully committed into the care of Carl Jung. She is suffering from violent physical ticks and spasms the most noticeable of which causes her jaw to jut out at great discomfort.

Despite this the cast is outstanding, led ably by Michael Fassbender who yet again has delivered a measured and charismatic performance. Viggo Mortensen is a genius. Once more he has immersed himself into the character so well it’s hard to see where the actor ends and the character begins. He is Freud, just as he was Aragorn and just as he was Nikolai in Eastern Promises. I believe we are truly blessed to have actors like Viggo Mortensen, Daniel Day Lewis and Javier Bardem in world cinema. Kiera Knightly is an intriguing actress, after appearing on the scene in Bend It like Beckham she has made excellent choices. She has aligned herself with the Pirates of the Caribbean series which gave her the opportunity to try more challenging roles in films such as in Domino, the Duchess and Never Let Me Go. The only disappointing aspect of this performance was the choice to have her do a Russian accent which came and went as it pleased. Vincent Cassel plays Otto Gross, a man hell bent on exploiting life for every sexual pleasure he can wring from it; a role which didn’t seem too much of a stretch for the French maestro.

Nothing shocks in this film as it should. Sex is not shocking as it may have been in the time of Jung and Freud, sadly the film never really depicts why we should have been shocked by the scandalous behaviour on display. By modern standards where we are bombarded with sexual imagery we needed to see more than Carl Jung spanking Sabina for her arousal. This is not a bad film it just seems confused as to what it wants to be. It doesn’t do justice to the successful contributions that Jung and Freud made to psychoanalysis and nor does it explore sex in any new or enlightened way. I think this films needs to lie down on the couch and tell us a little bit more to fill in the gaps.
A Dangerous Method is now in cinemas nationally.
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