Double Trouble Film Review

Double Trouble is a buddy cop action film starring Jackie Chan's son, Jaycee Chan. Unfortunately, this is all the film has going for it. A great big celebrity shadow.
The film follows the exploits of Jay, a screw-up Taiwanese security guard who forms a begrudging alliance with a Mainland tourist, Ocean (Yu Xia). The two are trailing hot on the heels of some sexy Eurasian thieves who have stolen a 400 year old piece of art. Hilarity and hijinx ensue... well... hijinx ensue.
Beyond a subtle serving of education in China/Taipei politics, Double Trouble comes off as a poor mans Jackie Chan film.
Follow on after the jump for our full review.
Unfortunately for Jaycee he is, a will probably always, live in the shadow of his father. A man that was at the top of his game for nearly 20 years, infiltrated the Western mainstream market and became a worldwide household name, Jackie Chan is nothing short of a legend. There are certain hallmarks that got him to that point such as his wit, charm and tight action sequences the likes of which had never been seen. Of course, Jackie's experience behind the camera as director of Project A and Police Story give him an understanding of the industry that his son should wish to emulate.
Regardless of his fathers gigantic shadow being cast upon the film, very little fault lays with Jaycee. First time director David Hsun-Wei Chang, however, has much to learn if he wishes to deliver an action film to the standard of these previously mentioned films. The main problem with the film is pacing. While not a long film, the 90 minute Double Trouble feels more like a marathon than a sprint which seems odd considering that the entire film is focused on chasing down a band of thieves.
Jaycee performs well as an action hero and certainly has the good looks to help him become a very famous leading man. However, his style of fight sequence seems to be too polished and nuanced to be effective on the screen. Looking at old school Jackie Chan and Jet Li films as well as the new wave of South East Asian films in The Raid and Ong Bak, it seems evident that exciting fight scenes need to be fast, frenetic and over the top.
Double Trouble doesn't work on any level and considering that China is the second largest film industry in the world, Double Trouble took in only $9000 at the box office. Damning evidence to be sure but entirely understandable.
Double Trouble is available from the 13th of March on DVD.