Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (PS4) Review
Much like my assessment of
Lian Hearn's recent work, there are times when my critical and subjective
opinions clash. On the one hand, Deus
Ex: Mankind Divided is a solid, visually luscious and
intricately-detailed action-RPG that nonetheless could've done with a slightly
meatier runtime and some more engagement in the main story arc.
On the other, though, it's a
beautiful cyberpunk game that puts me back in the stylish trenchcoat of one of
my favourite video game protagonists ever. There are call backs to the previous
game, call forwards to the future ones, and all of it wrapped within the same
immersive, Blade Runner-esque
experience that made Deus Ex: Human Revolution such a joy to play.
So take this review for
whatever it's worth. I am a sucker for Deus
Ex and the cyberpunk genre, and was thus able to overlook a few of Mankind Divided's deficiencies
(minor though they ultimately are). As a game critic, I thought it was an
excellent addition to an already sterling year in gaming. As a fan of Deus Ex and cyberpunk,
it's quickly become one of my new favourites.
Two years after Human Revolution’s ending put paid to
the glorious golden age of human cybernetic augmentation – thanks to the
Panchaea Incident, a tragedy where the global augmented community, or “Augs”,
were driven into uncontrollable homicidal rage – the world has descended into
chaos. Anti-augmentation sentiment permeates the globe, shunting the transhuman
population into ramshackle ghettoes and oppressive police action cities like

Sounds pretty good, right? I
should write marketing blurbs or something.
Where Human Revolution was more of a private eye, Neuromancer-via-Altered Carbon-style venture, Mankind Divided
most readily resembles a hybrid of District
9, X-Men and 24. The latter is most evident in TF29’s home base which,
underneath the city centre of Prague, more than a little resembles CTU Los
Angeles. Adam’s new job as an Interpol agent quickly establishes that we’ve
left the gumshoe-inspired investigative fancies of Human Revolution, and are instead being thrown headfirst into a
more direct counter-terrorism allegory – for better or worse.

I’ll also say, without
spoiling, that I feel we’re definitely being set up for sequels here. Human Revolution very concretely cordoned
off its plot when it ended, providing a direct link to the original Deus Ex in its ending credits; by
contrast, Mankind Divided instead
communicates that there’s more yet to come. There’s still enough resolution in
the ending we do get, though it comes quite abruptly and at a wholly unexpected
place in the narrative which also leaves the game feeling a little shorter than
Human Revolution. (EDIT: While they may not be full sequels, we do have confirmed story-based DLC coming shortly).

Of course, having engrossing
plot only matters if you’ve got a set of solid game mechanics to get through
…which, yes, you definitely
Bringing back most of the
alternate FPS/cover-based-shooting approach from its predecessor, Mankind Divided has a much smoother
player interface this time round. Shooting, takedowns, hacking and
using/upgrading augmentations (including a few new “experimental” ones, like
the ability to shoot nano-blades and activate bullet time) have been fine-tuned
and turned into a much tighter experience. There really is no greater
satisfaction than the weighty thud of knocking a foe out with an augmented
fist, or using the new tesla wrist augmentation to zap enemies unconscious.

The big new feature is
Breach, a standalone mode which represents hacking a computer as a first-person stylised,
Portal-esque, sterile, trap-laden
environment which the player needs to navigate. To be frank, I’m not a fan;
Breach plays like a fairly uninvolving, somewhat repetitive puzzle add-on which
contributes little of interest to the game. Its use in the main story is
warranted, if a little on the tedious side, but it’s not the kind of thing I’d
sink hours into all on its own.
There are also a New Game
Plus feature and a difficulty setting memetically titled ‘I Never Asked For
This’, which gives you one life for the entire game and deletes your save game
if you die, no matter how far through the story you are. I foresee many
controllers being snapped in frustration here, but on the other hand it’s
always nice to cater to the Dark Souls-style
crowd with a mode like this.

My only graphical quibble is that items and drawers which can be plundered no longer stick out as they did in the previous game. Rather than the gold outline in Human Revolution, interactive objects now have a thin white line around them, separating them from the rest of the background detail; there’s an optical augmentation you can use to find them more easily, but that sometimes feels like needless busywork. In opting to eschew its previous black-and-gold colour palette and going for the greyer industrial tone set by the original game, Mankind Divided inadvertently makes the scavenger hunt aspect a little more of a chore to accomplish.

The major aural criticism I
have is to do with dialogue, and several characters’ in particular. I’m
especially not keen on former SAS commando Jim Miller, Adam’s boss at TF29, who’s
a thick-accented Australian with dialogue that is far from subtle in its
delivery. I’m unsure as to whether it’s because of voice actor Vernon Wells,
the vocal direction, or a combination of the two, but Miller just comes off as
a loud Australian without anything resembling nuance in either his character or
his vocal inflection. Almost every sentence Miller speaks throws me out of the
experience, which is especially egregious when compared to the stellar vocal
performances of Elias Toufexis as Adam and Victoria Sanchez as resident hacker
Alex Vega. The same unfortunately goes for vocal legend Peter Serafinowicz’s
turn as TF29 anti-Aug xenophobe Duncan MacCready, who’s similarly blatant and
un-nuanced in his dialogue delivery.
But overall, the sound of Mankind Divided just enhances an already
engrossing immersion factor. Put on some noise-cancelling headphones for this
one, and stroll around near-future Prague for a bit in order to really get the
full aural effect.
As I said at the start, it’s difficult for me to be objective about a game which ticks all my boxes like this. Not to say it’s perfect, but my critical opinion does come coloured with the fact that I’m an easy target for cyberpunk.
But even
so, I’d argue Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is
still one of the best games of 2016, whether you’re a fan of the genre or not.
It’s technically solid, narratively engrossing even when it’s not entirely
gripping, visually spectacular and aurally immersive. My quibbles are only
chips in the surface surrounding an extremely solid core experience, one which
was so excellent that I started a new game immediately after finishing the main
plot. Definitely worth checking out.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is available now for PS4, Xbox One and PC.
Review copy kindly supplied to Geek of Oz by Square Enix.
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